Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


As a Trump apologist and full time mouth piece for the right, Rich Lowry knows all about child care. Last year he praised DeSantis for his hands-off approach to COVID which tells you how much he cares about human life. God forbid that we should support women in the way these socialist countries like France, UK, Britain, Spain, Singapore, etc. do. God forbid we should try to tackle child poverty. No... women need to struggle, there are food banks to feed their children. According to Lowry, Biden's proposals would only help middle class women who don't need it. It would waste precious resources which would be far better spent giving tax relief to industry and bankers. Lowry has all the statistics and polls to prove it. He always does. Biden's child care proposals will bankrupt the country, reduce competition, artificially inflate the wages of health care workers and discriminate against the religiously affiliated and would not do the job. Lowry knows. He's an expert because he has spent a lifetime working to become a right-wing political analyst and has written a not very well received book on Nationalism. You know. How America became Great and will again with the Right Leader.