Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


I fully agree with your editorial about making Big Tech pay responsibly for any news they use. The Safe Harbor Bill, if it passes, will help but this does not solve the long term problems faced by newspapers. Hedge funds, like vultures, are waiting to strip what is left from the bare bones of print journalism. Editors have been cutting staff and costs. Good journalism, whether electronic or print, is vital to all our futures and the future well being of Arizonans. Their 77 journalists are the thin "read" line of The Arizona Republic. Journalism is the first draft of history, uncovers corruption, questions authority. It's a dangerous job. 50 journalists were killed worldwide last year. The corrupt and venal do not like being scrutinized. A newspaper also needs to be free from commercial and political interference and have financial and editorial independence. Surely it would make sense for all of us as a society to be vested in our newspaper as a vital public service. Why can't big business, government and ordinary people establish a Trust with an Endowment Fund to ensure the newsaper's long term survival? It's the way The Guardian newspaper has survived for two hundred years.