Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

SCIENCE (3/09)

As a political scientist, Goldberg probably wasn't paying much attention during Logic 101. There's are profound differences between God and Science. The former is based on individual hypothesis but has no basis in fact and the other hypothesis based on observable, measurable and consistent evidence. Priests take care of religion and there is no limit. Scientists take care of facts. Science begins with hypothesis then there's the hard work to provide the evidence which can be replicated. When Goldberg starts musing, "Science is good. Science is real." I begin to have doubts about his thinking. Science is neither good nor bad. We are subject to the laws of science. There's no such thing as real science or unreal science. Science deals with the evidence as far as you know the facts. This virus is new. We are "in the process" of finding out about it. Because there have been quacks down the ages does not prove Dr. Fauci wrong. The overwhelming evidence is wearing a mask stops the spread of COVID-19. That's a fact. That Goldberg describes the deaths of half a million Americans as a "disruption" suggests he should also review his lessons on Semantics 101 if he ever took that course.