Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Springtime in Arizona! What a wonderful time to be alive! Plants, flowers, trees are burgeoning. The palo verde is just breaking out in yellow. The bougainvillea has never been redder or fuller. Our birds are nesting and reproducing. The soft call of mourning doves fills the air. Vireos twitter in the hedges. And what's happening here in Arizona? Fires? Just small ones. It's only April. Drought? We're near to having to restrict water usage because the major reservoir feeding the Colorado is down to 40%. Republicans are re-counting 2 million ballots from November with the help of some strange people. The governor, pretending the pandemic never really happened on his watch, is busy on the border checking on migrant children invading the country as he dreams of political fame and fortune. Citizens in Scottsdale complain about the smell from the crematorium. Schools are reopening slowly and carefully. Fewer people are dying from COVID. We are cracking down on women controlling their own bodies. The AG wants to hang people. The question has to be asked, "Do we have intelligent leadership?" Could it be different? Or are we all happy with the blind leading the blind?