So far we are doing pretty well with variants of COVID-19 and the Delta variant, all the way from India, appears to be enjoying itself and replicating successfully here in the USA. It's simple aim is to make itself more infectious and more deadly. Luckily for this variant we have lots of humanoids here in the US who think the tricky little Delta Variant doesn't either exist or if it does, it won't kill them. This branch of the human family is sometimes and unkindly referred to as homo stupidusmaximus. There's also a sub group, homo stupendissimustrumpius which is even more vulnerable owing to its inability to sort out correct information. There was a great hope that this sub group might die out of its own accord but the great danger is that it could change the genetic code of the Delta variant so that it becomes more effective when attacking the homo sapiensis maskuppiusmaximus vaccinatus group. Let us all pray our wonderful scientists keep up with the vaccine research which is so far has helped to keep most of us alive.