Surely conspiring to prevent the legal certification of an election by force ranks as an act of treason? If it is not treasonable then surely it was an attempted coup and is against the law? In the olden days, the perpetrators of a coup, once exposed, were put on trial cf. Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up a sitting Parliament, and executed. We are far more civilized now, though we are faced with elected officials who, having sworn on oath to uphold the Constitution, decided to throw in their lot with their ex-leader and illegally get him back into power. Sounds treasonable enough to warrant a trial. So, as more and more evidence comes to light as to the nature and the perpetrators of the coup, rather than drag them off to prison, their supporters do their best to paint the coup as a sort of cheerful holiday bash, nothing to get upset about. Jonah Goldberg suggests we should all calm down because the organizer of the coup is not as popular as he was and will just fade into the background. Wouldn't failure to punish such a crime endorse such behavior in the future? Or would that open me up to accusations of being right wing? After all what, were the Rosenbergs executed for?