Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Fealty to Donald Trump appears more and more cultish. Reason and deliberation have been thrown out of the window. Republicans are looking around confused about what they represent. Their main platform now is that they are not the Democrats who are building their version of the shining city on the hill. But building a party from opposition to what the other represents hardly seems like a recipe for long term success. The anti-immigrant, anti-press, Make America Great platform is feeling worn and stale. Attacking the election process is the equivalent of shooting oneself in the foot. How can any party win legitimacy if the election process is fraudulent? Belaboring conspiracy theories just muddies the political water and the more whacko and outrageous the choice of candidates flogging the dying fraud horse, is going nowhere. Perhaps promoting the idea that Republicans care about people as much as they care about money and reject extremism would put them in a more sympathetic light. The 21st century economy is going to be wrestling with the consequences of climate change for years to come, managing that to the benefit of all Americans and the economy might be a game changer.