Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


With the President leaving office, we all need to think about the last four years. The pandemic has been a catastrophe. The loss of life and suffering shocking. That the richest country in the world should be suffering this way with all its resources is lamentable. We are moving on. As we get vaccinated, we will get back on our feet, mourn our dead, and celebrate the countless acts of heroism and self-sacrifice. The more the President flails, the sadder he becomes and his disdain for Constitutional norms outrageous. But there's worse. He has taught and encouraged people to hate. To maintain power, he wants us to think that immigrants are less than people, that some human beings, whether of a different color, or culture or religion are less than human beings, that they are expendable and somehow morally different so it does not matter how we treat them. But how we treat each other tells us who we are. To separate children from their parents is morally wrong. It was as wrong in WW2. Refusing to recognize another person's humanity is to refuse to recognize our own. It is the beginning of moral collapse. We must fight this evil with as much courage as we fight this pandemic.