When I went to school back in the Middle Ages, every week we were forced to do "Précis." You had to reduce an article of 500 words down to between 150-180 but without losing the main ideas of the original writer. I hated it but in retrospect it was a good intellectual exercise. When I read Karin Robson's editorial, I thought she might benefit from such an exercise. To be helpful I did a quick précis of her writing just to get down to the essentials of what she wanted everyone to understand. Here goes - "Wealthy out-of-state liberal interest groups probably emanating from Portland are trying to interfere in our politics and to kill small businesses like hers. (They ignored mine.) Liberals will tax you out of existence as they do in all left leaning liberal states. Liberals only want to hike taxes with complicated schemes. (infrastructure). Republicans only want you to make money, lots of it. We used to be successful before the pandemic and now Biden is using the pandemic to pursue mindless destructive tax increases and spending money like it's never be spent before. Vote for me I will make you rich..." Does that get to the gist of what she was trying to say? I leave you to decide.