Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


One benefit of the partisan bickering over the last three years is that we get to find out who the "silly" people are. Ironically our belief in free speech allows silly people to say and believe silly things. Having a free press can magnify the silliness. A pandemic is a public health crisis affecting all of us. It is not partisan or political. The spread of Covid 19 is prevented by wearing a mask, getting vaccinated, maintaining social distances and isolating the infected quickly. It's science. Success can be measured by the number of infections and the number of deaths. Unfortunately many Republicans decided to make the whole issue a matter of politics. They believed people somehow had the right to spread the virus or at worst to die. Experts who tried to give the facts and best practice were argued with or dismissed. Quack doctors were dragged out of the woodwork. Drinking chlorine or taking horse medicine were touted as solutions. Silly people seemed to win. The result was the virus spread, more people got sick and more people died. In Arizona 22,779 people have died. The number keeps rising. Some people don't care if other people die because they see it as a matter of politics.