For most right leaning or quasi-liberal minded Caucasians who live in neat segregated housing areas, "racism" was solved as soon as Lincoln signed the Emancipation Act. It is beyond their imagination and "unwoken" thought processes that out there, where other people live, racism and discrimination is a living, daily challenge, be it against Black or Latino or Asian, be it anti-Semitism, or Islamophobia. Minority Americans live with discrimination, from day to day and have to teach their children how to cope with it. If you live in a prosperous zip code, there's no racism or discrimination, except of course when someone from a minority moves next door, or the government tries to build a homeless shelter. And you are much safer from COVID. The White Bubble theory of the universe! We see no racism. We go to the Asian supermarket. We voted for Barack Obama. "Show me the racism." "Dear Doubting Thomas, you may stick your finger in the wound just to check that is where the Roman Centurion poked his spear when I was hanging on the cross."