Phil Boas' excellent analysis of the moral lessons to be drawn from the Rittenhouse trial ignores the role of the media which made a partisan issue of both the tragic events themselves during the riot and the subsequent trial. The cable news channels, one more so than the rest, have become more like party political broadcasts and seize on such events to justify their points of view. Stories are cut and pasted and editorialized to match the political biases of editors with the main purpose of sensationalizing in order to sustain maximum viewership and advertising revenue. A reasoned and carefully thought out perspective like Boas' is not going to feed the monster of news sensationalism which is the current vogue. That the trial was televised only amplified the distortions and bias. Even the judge participated in the legal hullabaloo, strangely dictating, like a grumpy English teacher, what words could or could not be used in his classroom. I was left exhausted and saddened by the stupidity of it all and the senseless and careless loss of life. Deaths from weapons of warfare and cars used as missiles ought to shock us far more by their frequency and horror.