Trump comes to town and serves up the same five year old poisoned chalice to those too naive and ill-informed to understand what they are drinking and The Arizona Republic seems happy to publish a driveling editorial critical of Biden's attack on Facebook but ignores what Trump represents and has represented for the last five years. CORRUPTION. How many Trump appointees have been indicted and sent to prison? Losing count? The smell coming from Washington has been overpowering. And this is the tip of the iceberg. You give two columns to Tom Barrack the organizer of Trump's inauguration, being released on bail, a bail which you could have mentioned is the highest ever. You don't mention he is suspected of being an agent of foreign powers and was a member of Trump's inner circle. The corruption involved makes Nixon and Clinton look like choirboys. Barrack's company raised $7 billion in investments once Trump won the nomination. Shouldn't Trump supporters be informed or is The Republic wary of upsetting them? Perhaps selling your country to Russia or The Emirates is OK? Silly me. Here was I thinking Trump supporters were patriots. There should have been a sign on the WH. FOR SALE.