Today we were served two conservative pundits for the price of one. Gabriel suggests getting rid of the old and bringing in the new though he's been harping upon how ancient and incompetent Biden is for months. Average age in the Senate is 63 and the House 57 which seems respectable. AOC is a mere 32, dangerously young and radical, though he doesn't mention her. Our Kirsten is a mere 45. Gabriel's writing sounds limp. Perhaps he is running out of steam as his thoughts turn to old age. Goldberg's strange rejection of Fox News after so many years also begs the question, "What happened to the moral compass?" Rupert Murdoch has never wavered in his philosophy that he doesn't care about the politics, just making money. Good taste, moderation, journalistic integrity went out the window many, many years ago. Someone threw a custard pie at him in the UK parliament so he decided the US served up more rewarding opportunities for his gutter press journalism. Perhaps Goldberg was so enamored by the drive and charisma of the late Roger Ailes that he failed to look behind the curtain. I was left with the impression of a young boy making excuses for having eaten from some else's lunch box.