Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Just to add my penny's worth to the silly debate about how long it would take to count a trillion dollars and what a terribly, terribly huge sum of money this would be to spend on BBB. May I suggest Tony Oldham take a drive in his car from the SR-51 intersection at Lincoln to Tatum and then north as far as Shea. Count the number houses, do a rough estimate of the value of all he can see, add the approximate wealth of each homeowner's investments... and see what figure he comes up with. Remember this one small corer of the US. Alternatively he could count the number of F-35s at $78 million a pop and see what their total cost comes to. The cost of the BBB bill in comparison to America's wealth is extremely small meat and potatoes to coin an idiom. I promise the 10% of the population who owns 76% of the wealth won't notice the effects of losing 1% or 2% of it. We might all be better off, emotionally if not physically.