I am totally at a loss trying to understand why on earth you would publish the letter from LeRoy Duncan of Mesa. It's silly and extreme and displays all the sins that the letter writer condemns others for: intolerance, name calling, and ignorance. He doesn't know the difference between political ideologies and economic systems and tells us far more about himself as a hateful, mean-spirited man indoctrinated by all the clichés promulgated by right wing media. I felt sorry for him, locked in this prison of lies. His worst sin is that he thinks he is smart. Really smart people know how ignorant they are. That's why they're smart. Trump thinks he is smart. 583,000 people, God bless them all, can vouch for just how smart he is. Perhaps the ingestion of a glass of clorox would change Mr Duncan's political thinking though I doubt it. Could I refer him to a quotation from Joseph Goebbels that he might find enlightening "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." I would be happy to discuss it with him.