Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

WE ARE AT WAR (11/10)

We are at war. We are at war with every person and country which does not accept that global warming will lead to catastrophe. Forget about being nice to anybody. This is about survival, the survival of our children and hopefully our grandchildren. Forget all the pious resolutions, forget the nicely phrased statements, forget mealy-mouthed politicians looking for the next buck. This is now war. It needs to be declared. The country needs to present a united front and come together to stop the destruction of our environment and our society. Each one of us needs to start being responsible for our own carbon footprint, TODAY. Not tomorrow. We must take responsibility for how much rubbish we produce per week, how much carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere by driving, or flying or eating meat. Everything we do. Walk. Be careful of how much water you use. Worry about the future. Make sacrifices. We did this before in WW2. Let's do it again. No more talk. Only action. Enough is enough. If we survive we want to tell our grandchildren, yes, we saw the danger and we made the sacrifices. We didn't think of ourselves, we thought of you and the world we wanted to pass on to you.