Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


It's an old song by Pink Floyd. "We don't need no education." Yet Rob Robb is worried about falling standards of reading and math in our schools. He shouldn't worry. Plenty of Arizonans think that building a wall across the southern border will stop immigrants. They never got as far as the 10 ft wall 12 ft ladder idea. Our Governor never understood how to stop a pandemic and he's the man in charge. Only 18,000 deaths!! Over a million Arizonans voted for Trump and have no idea what a snake oil salesman is. Some Arizonans are taking deworming horse medicine to cure COVID. Most have no idea where Afghanistan is. For some, climate change is a myth because it has always been hot in Arizona and the water is still coming out the tap. They don't want to know about slavery and how it built the wealth of this country. They certainly don't want to know that most of America's wars in the 19th century were fought against Native Americans and we committed genocide or that the average passenger vehicle emits about 411 grams of CO2 per mile or that oil companies don't want you to know we are killing the planet. The American public don't need no education. Ignorance is bliss. QAnon is fun.