To prevent internal bickering and partisanship, America needs an enemy. Once it was Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union. After 9/11 is was Al Qaida and Iraq. Now that the homegrown "mob" has shown its true colors, we know that it is armed and dangerous and willing to attack government at the behest of a would be tyrant. It's homegrown and it masquerades as patriotic. So forget being Republican or Democratic. Fascism has been allowed to flourish and grow with the help of the internet. In the days of instant communication the mob understands that violence will advance their cause and give them credibility. It is a clear and present danger to our democracy. It is planning its next move and is angry and confused. There are models aplenty to copy for how a small band of well armed militia can undermine the state, infiltrate the security forces, spread terror and undermine the systems of government. Ask the IRA. Already some politicians, looking for political power, are putting more wood on the fire, blowing the embers of dissension into a new fire. "All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." We must act now before they have time to spread chaos and death.