77 journalists are the thin "read" line of The Arizona Republic. Unfortunately circulation is on a downward path, a countrywide trend, as digital news becomes the major source. As print journalism declines, the need for the newspaper becomes more and more relevant and important. Journalism keeps us informed. As the first draft of history, it uncovers corruption and questions authority. It keeps the public abreast of what is going on. In less developed countries journalists pay with their lives when they go searching after the truth. 50 journalists were killed worldwide last year doing their job.The corrupt and venal do not like being scrutinized and will resort to barbaric methods to destroy journalists. A newspaper also needs to be free from commercial and political interference and have financial and editorial independence. Would it not make sense for us as a society to be vested in our newspaper which runs on these lines - not controlled by any one individual or just to make profits? Why can't the Republic be financed by a Trust with an Endowment Fund to ensure its long term survival? Shouldn't we be having a debate about this now while we still have 77 journalists?