The good 'ol USA must be in a terrible state. The Arizona Republic (ex-Republican - no humor intended) publishes an excellent piece by Terry Sterling about the racist history of Arizona though she might have mentioned more about the treatment of Native Americans which is very depressing - poisoned cakes, etc., and the treatment of Jewish people in downtown Phoenix post WW2. (No wonder they get jittery.) Also, I had to AGREE with Goldberg's attack on anti-vaccine hysteria. Next you exposed Ducey's machinations and corruption though you might have added his responsibility for 18,114 deaths from Covid (rising). Finally, all of Arizona seems to be up in arms about this stupid, ridiculous recount and how much it is costing us and like your reader, if anyone comes to my door to ask whether I voted they can **** off. You started a discussion about Indian schools. Good, but I fear the outcome will again be very sad. House prices are going up, the weather is cooling down and most of the fires are under control. The only dark news was that the Suns might lose. I'll take a couple of Tylenol. Keep up the good work. By the way, everyone is working class. We're called Americans.