Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Goldberg's newly discovered interest in the rhetorical niceties of our present political discourse has a charming naivety to it. He is a political commentator so his job is to use language to support and propagate his conservative viewpoints. I am sure he was taught all the fallacies, so writing a column on an "ad hominen" fallacy like "Let's Go Brandon." to excoriate "folks on the left" "liberal hypocrites" who use "double standards" exploits the very situation which he rails against. Suggesting that the previous incumbent merely "soiled" the Presidency must be the euphemism of the year. Trump deliberately encouraged an atmosphere in which personally insulting opponents was not only acceptable but encouraged as a sort of universal joke because he dared to do it. Exploiting the new tools of social media like Twitter and protected by his office allowed him to unload his hurtful nastiness on anyone who dared stand in his way. His lies gave licence to other commentators, particularly right wing pundits like Tucker Carlson, to lie their heads off and make money. America needs to get back to telling the truth and to elect politicians who try to do likewise. The sky isn't falling.