Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Good to see the Catholic Bishops getting together for a chinwag to decide on the key issues of the the day such as depriving the President, Joe Biden, of the right to take communion. They believe that women should not have the right to control their own bodies, unlike Joe. As you may know Bishops are male and are pure and holy because they have given up any interest in women's bodies which they regard as objects of temptation and sin and the devil but for the sake of doctrinal purity, they reserve the right to tell women what they should do with their reproductive organs. They are determined to protect fertilized eggs. Some people might say what a hypocritical bunch. Here are the leaders of an organization which has over the centuries exploited children, buried them in unmarked graves, allowed their priests free reign to sodomize young boys, (amazing what you can learn in the confessional), set young women to work in laundries and done considerable harm worldwide. Some priests devoted to the example of Jesus Christ have brought succor to the poor, loved the sinful, cared for the persecuted and uplifted the hearts of the downtrodden. Bishops, I suppose, need to do what Bishops do.