Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


As an immigrant of thirty years and a citizen in the US of twenty, I still have great difficulty understanding precisely what The Republican Party stands for and the issues Republicans are willing to fight for. Making money, particularly from the public purse, seems to be a central tenet. Turning education, energy supply and public services into private enterprises is also important. They support the sale of drugs, even addictive drugs such as oxycontin, and marijuana, in order to make profit. They avoid free market competition wherever possible, as with the sale of alcohol in Arizona or allowing competition to Facebook, because too much competition might reduce the opportunity to make profits for their shareholders. They don't like the voting systems or any safeguards protecting the vote, especially if they involve losing. Paying as little tax as possible is very important and they hire armies of accountants and lawyers to help them do this.

Republicans are keen that the richest 1 percent of the population, which now owns more of the country's wealth than at any time in the past 50 years, should have the opportunity to earn an even higher percentage. This is their way of measuring success. To judge from the statements from the ex-President, who is admired by many Republicans in Arizona, they do not like foreigners or those with different colored skins or different religions or ethnic backgrounds. Canadians are acceptable. Germans and the British can be intimidating. Some Republicans in high office or in the entertainment industry regard wealth and power as an opportunity to lavish unwanted affection on young girls. As far as they are concerned this is just boys being boys. Republicans don't care about climate change because there's no money in it and though very sympathetic about those who died in this pandemic, are determined not to let these personal tragedies interfere with keeping businesses humming.

Republicans are confident of Congress because it keeps Republicans in power with no majority whatever and protects their wealth. They control most of the media, so that they can get their message across fairly easily to the general population who don't care that much because most of them are on minimum wage and don't have time to care. Healthcare is important but has to be geared towards the rich since the aim is to make money and Republicans are richer so they can afford it and the poor can just suffer and die and pay whatever they can. Republicans like guns, lots of them and they want the police heavily armed in order to protect everyone and scare the bejabbers out of any protesters. The numbers of people the police kill reflects that fact that they are doing their job. They are fully behind the armed forces and are happy that American forces are three times bigger than all the other armed forces in the world put together. This bolsters a military industrial complex designed to make a tremendous amount of money for anyone investing in weapons of war. According to Republicans this is putting American taxpayer money to good use.

Republicans love the death penalty but are against abortion and do not see this as a contradiction. They are willing to let a few women get elected into Congress but God forbid the number ever reflects the percentage of women in the population. Women should know their place. Republicans dislike all Democrats who must always be thought of as radicals and socialists undermining the entire American way of life. Biden is a good example. They dislike universities because they are full of liberals who read the New York Times or people who believe that earning a six figure salary doesn't make you a better person. The Republican ideal of human happiness is a house with at least five toilets. Philosophically they adhere to the Darwinian/Biblical code which believes that the strongest and greediest will always win out in the end and that compassion and love should be confined within the family. Everyone should compete all the time with everybody and should understand that God, as a successful organizer, who sits at the top of an hierarchical organization, is Republican in character and approves wholeheartedly of everything the Republican party ever stands for.

I hope I haven't missed anything important and look forward to a vigorous and open debate in your newspaper at to the principles and doctrines of The Republican Party. I welcome alternative viewpoints and look forward to many meaningful discussions. As you will have observed, I have tried hard not to lean politically or unfairly in any direction..