Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


After four years of political chaos and mendacity culminating in an attempt to take over the Capitol, and with their defeat at the polls, it is natural for Republicans to try to rally their troops and begin the fight back. The first task, according to Phil Boas, is to demonize the opposition. After four years of packing as many courts across the country with conservatives, how dare the Democrats threaten to do the same! The warning is going out. Beware of the radical Democrats, hold on to your pocket books. Democrats are coming for you, will dominate you, will become your "masters" and control everyone and everything. (I smell socialism.) But this is really a GOOD thing according to Boas' logic because it will unite Republicans. The future success of the Republican party lies politically in opposing everything democrats do. Never mind that Republicans don't have a political platform except of course for greed, tanks and missiles for the police and keeping foreigners out of the country with even bigger walls than before - oh, and don't forget, punishing the poor. Let's have four more years of Trump. That will really work well. Maybe we just do need to change course. So far so good.