Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

WHIMSY (8/17)

Darn it. We tried our damnedest to prevent the election being declared by invading the Capitol. Nearly succeeded. Close as a whisker. We were told our guys on the inside were waiting. Don't understand why the Capitol police fought back. They were supposed to be on our side. We were doing it for the leader who encouraged us. Now this audit down in Arizona, where are the results? We know for a fact, everyone knows, there was skulduggery, cheating going on of some sorts. Them fancy people overseeing the elections are just too good at hiding things. They must be in on it. We've looked hard. Some of the people we hired were perhaps not good enough at counting and them fancy computer voting machines are just way too complicated. Anyone could have tampered with them. About time, our people, Fann, Gosar, Towsend and all the true American patriots in Arizona called us out onto the street. We need to show who the real Americans are. This time we should be carrying guns. We could all grow beards and wear turbans like them Taliban. That would frighten the bejabbers out of everyone and we could just walk into the Capitol and take over.