Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Rob Robb asks the interesting question why haven't teacher's salaries kept up with the academic progress of the students. This is my "short" answer. Please respond honestly to the following questions - 1. You have a bright thirteen year old, doing well at school and he comes and asks you ."Mummy, Daddy. My teacher tells me I am clever and asked me whether I would like to be a lawyer, a doctor or a teacher?" What would you recommend? 2. You decide because you want to make a difference in the world to train to become a teacher. Now that you have begun teaching you explain to your wonderful girlfriend with whom you are madly in love that your present salary in teaching might rise in twenty years by at least 25%. Why is she not impressed? 3. Which of the following is the most accurate perception of teachers? (a) they have it easy with all those holidays. (b) teachers are full of left wing sympathizers (c) America was founded on religious principles and trusts neither science nor intellectuals.

The long answer? See China's education system.