Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


To say "words matter" is a cliché. A journalist's job is to know how to use words effectively. Over the past decade white extremism, manifesting itself in the Capitol riot, appears to be flourishing, fueled by the internet. Radical Republicans are rejecting moderate Republicans like Romney in Utah and Flake in Arizona. Here they are lending their financial and political support to the so-called recount which is outside the normal legal safeguards designed to protect elections. Fox New commentators like Carlson have now taken on the mantra of Trump populism. The new "woke" culture has, however, made everyone more word conscious. What words can we use to describe the radical right wing which rejects the legitimacy of our voting systems and the norms of civil discourse in favor of violence, anti-semitism and hatred? There is a word but reporters seem reluctant to use it. The word describes a belief system which puts the nation and state above the individual and believes in autocracy and dictatorship. The word is "fascism" We shouldn't be frightened of using it. We need to call it out when we see it. We are a democracy. The majority vote matters. Free speech matters. Words matter.