Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Republican politicians want to censor books in school. I couldn't stop laughing. This is in the age of readily available pornography on a cell phone. I suggest those wishing to censor books mentioning sex and homosexuality spend a session checking a site like Pornhub just to find out what's available. I grew up during the Lady Chatterly trial ... wow... did that get us reading. Page 113 in the Penguin edition if I remember rightly. It mentions a woman's pubic hair and putting forget me knots in it. Jeez. Did that get us hot under the collar. We had to do a lot of reading.. quite educational ... Oh and then there's Chaucer back in 1400. "And soddenly he caught her by the qwynte." Mustn't read that. Shakespeare? ...that sick young man Hamlet going on about 'Country matters'. Woops! Dare we mention James Joyce and coathangers? What about the graffitti in Pompei? My advice to our Republican friends. Get a life. Leave it to the educators and parents. Just because you don't mention or read about it doesn't mean young people don't find out about it. Children and young adults need to find out about sex when they are ready from well balanced, sensible adults. Sex is a normal human activity.