Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Your article about record high deaths in Australia is misleading. Compared to Arizona, Australia, with a population of 26 million, has suffered 2,843 deaths from Covid. Arizona with a population of 7.3 million has had 25,396 deaths. The dramatic difference speaks for itself. Comparing the figures should be the news and there should be some discussions about how Australian Health and Civil Authorities fought the pandemic and saved lives. Governor Ducey, following his mentor, the ex-President, who recommended bleach and hydroxychloroquine, put out the white flag and ignored the death toll. Some authorities in the US have given the virus a free pass to kill as many people as it may. The specious justification has always been preserving the economy and individual rights. Judging from the silence in the press, the authorities in many states have been given their own free pass and are not to blamed. The 25,396 deaths in Arizona should be placed squarely on Ducey's doorstep and on the incompetence of his administration. As a religious man, he can hopefully look forward to interesting conversations in the afterlife about his role in the deaths of the 25,396 Arizonans he served.