Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Fascism in Arizona... I finally couldn't take it... you will not do this in my name... executing people to gain political credibility, controlling women's rights to their own bodies, voting for a man who bragged about touching pussy and tried to corrupt and tear down American democracy, pouring money into the coffers of the rich, demeaning immigrants who make the society work, underfunding education, trying to control information, doing the minimum to save the lives of the vulnerable during Covid and then behaving as if nothing happened. 30,000 dead Arizonans means nothing? Contesting valid elections against all the evidence? Politicians who lie and it's all OK? This is the rich and powerful creating a state with no moral compass other than greed. And a State newspaper which follows meekly behind with its editorial board that winks so often at wrongdoing and has lost its integrity. I surrender. I am leaving. Like those Russians who couldn't tolerate Putin. You can endure your fires, your decaying environment, the mighty Colorado a trickle, the mighty saguaro burned and dead. Capitalism at its best. I did my best to tell the truth.