Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Constrain AIDA? What on earth is Robb suggesting? This is why we vote Republicans into power in the Arizona legislature year after year. This is the whole purpose of having power, as our Governor will tell you. So that you can get your hands on public money, pour it into a long trough so your friends (nudge nudge! wink wink! Know what I mean?) can have a good feed and look after their friends. This is the way the system is supposed to work. So they turn out to be bad investments? It's only public money, taxpayer dollars. Nobody gets hurt. It's like sports betting or selling pot, just another trough for enterprising capitalists to feed from. The big question is, does this help people buy nice houses with lots of toilets and pool rooms and fancy cars? This is what keeps the economy humming. Does it give someone the financial basis to go off and become President and get an even bigger trough and help even more friends. Robert Robb should understand this is capitalism and is the way it's meant to work. Put simply it's called greed. We don't want any of that socialist nonsense about the public good and building a fairer, society for all its citizens. That's communist propaganda!