Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

FOR SHAME (1/11)

It is comforting to know we have a tough Governor. Not for him any feeble-minded moral doubts about the actions of white colonial settlers in the past. White students are not to be made "ashamed of their background." Governor Ducey doesn't want anyone to feel shame. So white people committed genocide in the 19th century against the native population of North America. No shame in that. We enslaved black people, lynched them, murdered them, worked them to death to make money for ourselves and prevented them voting once freed. Where's the shame? We exploded the first atomic bombs over civilian populations and killed over 180,000 women and children. We build walls which don't work because people have ladders. Where's the shame? Ducey doesn't feel shame for the way his policies have helped result in over 20,000 Arizonans dying from Covid. We are killing life on the planet. So? Where's the shame? Business and profits are much more important than any silly old shame. Our ex-President set a good example for all Americans. Absolutely no need for shame. He certainly doesn't feel any so why should our students? He set an example. Isn't feeling shame about doing it all again?