Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Jonah Goldberg's language abandons any objective discussion of the news by turning protests by the Canadian truckers into an opportunity to attack the left and bang the right wing political drum. He assumes a smokescreen of quiet bewilderment at the behavior of Canadian truckers who are just protesting an "ill-advised" vaccine mandate, a fruitless exercise according to Goldberg because Canadians are already vaccinated. He uses a false analogy to the Black Lives Matter movement. Protesting a vaccine mandate is not equivalent to protesting racial discrimination. The analogy to historical protests by workers in the early part of the last century which brought about "socialist" revolution is equally false. By attempting to transform the truckers' protests into some tectonic historical, political struggle between liberal elites and traditional conservatives, the champions, he adds, of law and order and free trade, is hyperbolic. Like the attack on Congress, the truckers' actions to stop vaccination mandates are an illegal and a misguided effort against democratic rule. If Trudeau is wrong, he should be voted out by the majority. It's called living in a democracy.