Since the invention of the atomic bomb, M.A.D, Mutually Assured Destruction, has kept the peace. Nobody wants to see the world ending up a radioactive nightmare. But President Putin is willing to use this as a chip to restore the Soviet Union and doesn't seem to care. Over time he has focused all the powers of the Russian state into the office of President. He is prepared to take whatever risks available to secure his dream of restoring the Soviet Union. For him, the deaths of young Russian soldiers are an acceptable loss. Urban populations are bombed indiscriminately. So what do we do? Civilization is at stake here and President Putin doesn't care because our concerns for self-preservation and our society are just bargaining chips. It's Putin's version of Russian roulette. He dares put the nuclear gun to his head and ours and to keep pulling the trigger. In his eyes this makes him strong. What do we do? The thinking borders on madness. The chips on the table are civilization as we know it. For him it's just another judo contest as he tries frantically to trip his oppenent. But he is wrestling out of his weight. Patience is our main weapon. Preserving life and freedom our second.