Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

HE HAS TO GO! (1/22)

When? Oh when, will the American public wake up to the fact that their ex-president is a crook? Plain and simple and he has always been a crook. He is up to his ears in debt and lies and distortions. The proof is all out there. He tried to organize a coup. As a snake oil salesman who lacks even the slightest sense of morality but preys on the simple good nature of Americans who are deceived by his bluster and rhetoric and faux patriotism. Think bone spurs, think Epstein, think Trump University. He is a conman, pure and simple. He has gone from one bad deal to another. He has perfected the art of operating within an inch of the law and used money and intimidation to silence anybody who opposed him. He treats women as pretty playthings and objects. He causes pain and suffering. He is a corrupter of men and a destroyer of the good name of the United States. For God's sake and for the love of Christ, he MUST go. Preferably to jail. Enough is enough. No more Fox News equivocations. The clock has run out.