Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Jon Gabriel has waited for his "gotcha" moment and today he got it. No excuses, the hike in the price of gas is all Biden's fault. Poor Gabriel along with the rest of us, is having to fork out an extra $2-$3 per gallon for gas. Forget the Saudis, forget pouring CO2 into the warming climate, forget murder in Ukraine, we rich gas guzzling Americans, dependent on motor cars are having to spend a bit more of our hard earned cash on gas and some of us have two or three motor cars which makes it all the worse. All Biden's fault. Forget Russian aggression and the assault on democracy, forget the pandemic, it is his fault. Now we will be forced to buy more fuel efficient vehicles or even worse, electric vehicles or we might have to ride the bus or a bike. Unimaginable horrors of all horrors. We all might have to walk and we'd get healthy and not need all those doctors and we wouldn't have to live in a brown soup of polluted air. This is an unimaginable tragedy for the United States. Thank goodness we have Jon to point the way forward. More cheap gas, more drilling, more fracking, bigger cars, more cars, more CO2, more pollution, hotter climate. The way forward. Really??