Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

LISTEN UP! (2/16)

President Putin is putting the squeeze on Ukraine because he is frightened this is the thin edge of the democratic wedge, i.e. people deciding for themselves the sort of country they want and the sort of relationships they want with the rest of the world and not ending up in prison or poisoned because they speak their minds. It's called democracy. Get used to the word. It's the future. So listen, you inheritors of a country which threatened a 10 minute nuclear holocaust against West with ICBMs which took 24 hours to fuel before taking off, there are 66 nuclear powered submarines around your coastline capable of obliterating every city in Russia, every oil installation, every palace you and your oligarchs have built for yourselves at the expense of your people, and the yachts and we'll do it very efficiently in ten minutes. The Russian tundra will unfortunately warm up a bit faster. So keep your noses out of Ukraine. Send your soldiers back home to their wives and girlfriends. The Ukranians will fight if you invade but nobody wants to die for your Soviet wet dream. понимать Understand. This is an American speaking and we are tolerant and love you but enough is enough.