Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


You know times are bad when on January 6th, Jonah Goldberg, well known for skewering the innumerable deficiencies of President Biden and the Democratic party, has to turn his razor sharp intellect onto the author of a TV show for its exaggerated view of climate change. A bit like having a go at Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus. "It's a totally unrealistic play, far fetched. Whoever heard of cutting off your own hand? Does not portray the real situation in Rome and he gets the politics all wrong. Go back to Stratford Mr. Shakespeare and be a glove maker like your dad." Hate to tell you Jonah but it's all fiction. A bit like protesting about Tom and Jerry because it's far too violent. Having resigned from Fox News, poor Jonah has to sit at his lonely laptop, dredging through the Republican political dustbin looking for bits of meat which, if properly sautéed, might make a meal for some Republicans. Some of them don't know whether to support their party or the proto-fascist who didn't dare to go to the Senate himself, because he was too scared, so roused up the mob and sent it in to try to do his dirty work. "Et tu Cheney!" however, doesn't quite have the same ring to it!