President Putin has played the nuclear card. It's on the table. He thinks he is the tough guy, bare breasted on a horse. He has ordered the Russian army to murder people in Ukraine and is making sure the Russian people think that their young men are dying in the name of fighting Nazis even though the Ukrainians are led by a Jew. We are arming Ukraine conventionally as fast as we can. So why aren't we playing our nuclear card? How soon would it take our forces to obliterate Russian cities. The Russian army has proved its incompetence technologically. During the Cuban missile crisis Russian ICBMs took 24 hours to fuel... so much for the ten minute warning... Yes, nuclear torpedoes were ordered to be fired into a US estuary because the sub lost communications but ONE Russian said NYET. That's why we are here now. You want to play poker Mr. Putin? You want to play with the survival of the planet? You think America is incompetent because we're a democracy and believe in freedom? Look again. You are running out of chips to bet with my friend and even the Chinese are having their doubts about helping you.