Amazing how little coverage you give to the ex-President who called Putin a "genius" because of his invasion of Ukraine. Is it genius to unleash genocidal butchery? Is this what the ex-President had in mind for those who opposed him? What about the re-settlement camps for Ukrainians? China's communists are good at that. Russia lost its flagship. Accident of war? An ammunition explosion? Or genius? Same happened to the Bismark didn't it? Your whitewashing of reality in the name of trying to be fair and balanced so you don't upset Trump supporters has a certain smell about it. Right wing voices like Goldberg, Gabriel and Lowry have gone strangely quiet all of a sudden and there's nothing in their place except Republicans trying to destroy education because they are frightened of ideas, immigration which might just save our economic bacon, and trying, not so subtly to undermine the integrity of our voting system. Is this how to fight fascism? Sorry mustn't call it by its name. Stupidity is better. Ignorance, perhaps works. Destroying democracy fits. Doesn't it? Or are you holding the ship steady in the hope of fairer weather? The wild fires will be a good distraction.