Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

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So sorry to hear that Bishop Olmsted is being forced to retire at 70 years old when he has so many more years of service left in him. What a waste! Such a humble man who brought back discipline to the church and resisted the forces of liberalism which have been undermining the church's teaching on homosexuality, abortion and pre-marital sex. He valiantly resisted so much of the corruption evident in today's society and re-established the use of proper vestments and appropriate ceremonial ritual in the Catholic liturgy, an important and meaningful part of church beliefs and hierarchy. He tried his very best to look for solutions to the problems of poverty, homelessness and suffering and was always prepared to listen to peoples' problems and ideas as your article points out. He had hoped to finish his career in the Vatican where his skills might have been put to greater use. Once the latest Pope has passed, Bishop Olmsted could still be promoted to Archbishop or even Cardinal. He would look so very ascetic and impressive in high office and would doubtless continue the fight against gays, transsexuals, abortion and other deviant and abhorrent behaviors connected to unlawful sexual practices. He definitely made his mark and set an example for us all of human compassion and love.