The people at the rally in Florence have families, careers, have gone through the same Western-style education system. Surely they are open to the truth, to reasonableness and tolerance? Willfully they seemed to be tearing at the heart of democracy which has held this country together. One after the other on the stage they espoused a lie. Why would rational people do this? Why pin your colors to the mast of hatred and division. It's as if they were under a spell. They embraced the falsehood and encouraged the crowd to believe the lie that the election had been stolen. Worse they must have known known it was a lie. They held their rally in Florence of all places away from major centers. Why? They put as many barriers in the way of the press they could as if nervous of the truth. Was this just a rally of the faithful? Faithful to what? The idea of white supremacy? Was this Charlottesville lite? Any moment I half expected to hear the chant "You will not replace us." At dusk their leader came out of the night in his helicopter. White people frightened of losing power? I have a strange uncomfortable feeling that it's going to be a rough ride to 2045 when whites will be the minority.