Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


The Republic has published some of my letters. Over the years I have watched the editorial board push right wing pundits like Goldberg and Lowry and others. Benson left or was fired. Good journalists left quietly. There were rumors of dissent and unhappiness. The leadership was described as "toxic." Now you have decided to restrict the editorial pages and the letters. What was the problem? You invited the public to write. No money to be made? The right wing faithful mustn't be challenged for fear of losing revenue? Who reads newspapers? Thank you Montini and Roberts for being human and caring and standing up to hatred. So many Republicans in office or pursuing office wanting everyone to hate everyone. More guns! "Let's execute an old killer who can hardly walk and has to be levered onto the execution table." Let's punish women who get pregnant even if it's incest. Welcome to Arizona. Welcome to leadership that doesn't care if 30,000+ die from Covid, lousy underfunded public schools, jobs from friends in government. Money to be made from prisons. We lock up a higher percentage of people than any democracy on earth. Those who read the Republic do not require the truth.