Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Amy Carney can write all she wants about what she thinks should be taught in the classroom but ignores the real issue about effective teaching which is the quality of the teacher. All the curriculum supervision, with all the "T"s crossed and the "I"s dotted can never substitute for the personality, education and experience of the teacher. We are now putting unqualified people with little or no experience in front of our students and the result will be poorly educated students, who will be poorly educated adults who will not understand science, have no idea of their own history and will become prey to every rabid demagogue and grifter ready to take advantage. A society wanting to progress and develop, takes its teachers from the top 20% of the graduate pool. The present policy of Republicans to undermine the public school system, deprive it of funds and foster societal contempt rather than respect for the teaching profession is on the slippery slope downwards towards social division and chaos. Able students will survive and learn despite the system but a poorly educated population is a recipe for disaster. By their policies this appears to be what Republican legislators want.