Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Goldberg's writing on Ukraine is like watching a man fighting his way out of a paper bag. I was waiting for him to blame Biden for the problem which of course he did. Ironically he turned on the right wing which struck me as odd. These are his old buddies. But then a lot of Republicans are confused at present from Cheney downward. Finding some sort of moral compass must be difficult when you've been stirring the political pot for any partisan sensationalism you can find. An attempted coup by the ex-President makes it worse. Goldberg's opinions are not grounded in an understanding of the geo-political or historical context of the Ukrainian situation. Ukraine is a fledgling democracy whose sons have already died defending its territory and is still partially occupied by Russian forces. Strategically it's a key area more closely attached to Russia than other satellites whose disentanglement from the Soviet Union began with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Another war will be a disaster for everyone. Addressing Russian security concerns by diplomatic means is the only way out. Negotiating with a tyrant, however, as Ramsay MacDonald discovered, is difficult. Biden has stood his ground.