In his editorial, Jonah Goldberg runs the risk of being accused by honest and upright members of Arizona's Republican Party of indulging in what can only be called unseemly and offensive scatological references. I should not need to remind him that the party of Lincoln is above using language of such poor taste, more commonly associated with supporters of the "other" party. Words matter. Don't they? It will be a dark day for all of us when what has passed for "legitimate political discourse" should in any way or in any form be linked with fecal matter whether emanating from human, bovine or equine sources. (My father, an excellent gardener, always recommended plenty of the latter be used when fertilizing rhubarb.) With such a large number of Republican politicians both at home and in Washington spreading such quantities of fecal material, particularly about the last election, we must be careful not to allow our discussions to descend to levels of vulgarity. It is comforting to know that Goldberg is well able to distinguish and write about the subject with such accuracy and depth of understanding. Hopefully, once cleared up, we can focus on the truth, however painful.