Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Shh... Do You Want to Know a Secret? (12/25)

"Make America Great" shout Trump supporters. "Immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country," shouts Donald T. I think we have something of a contradiction here, or oxymoron. Given the number of immigrants since the war of independence and not counting the colonial immigrants or those who travelled here from 30,000 years ago onwards, by DT's standards we should have died out from all the poison. Waves of immigrants attracted by freedom and the prospect of a better life on our shores have arrived from all over the globe. They dug the land, chopped down the forests, built the cabins, manned the factories, cleaned the homes, built roads, dams, railways, filled the ranks of the army and navy and have made America the most powerful and advanced country in the world. Immigration has been the driving force behind American prosperity. There is no nationality, race, or creed not represented. This is our strength. This is the catalyst that makes America Great. "Give me your poor, your huddled masses yearning to be free." Challenging? Of course. Difficult? Of course. Welcome to the USA. Land of the free.