Not content with supporting an attempted coup on Jan 6th, Arizona's MAGA supporting politicians continue on their merry way relying for their support on those whose intellectual abilities have, like our petrified forest, hardened into stone. They have implemented their own committee to sort out the truth about the Covid 19 fiasco in Arizona and conveniently ignored anyone who had experience and knowledge of it as well as the most important statistic that because of our ex-Republican governor's incompetence and cowardice mandating masks, more people died in Arizona of Covid per 100,000 that in any other state in the country. What a record! During that same time period when Covid was spreading, the Arizona Republic was happy to publish much of the crackpot opinions of right wing pundits who poured scorn on California's policies which turned out to save many more lives. I wrote pointing out the Australian death toll was less than half Arizona's but was ignored. A sad case of the blind leading the blind.