Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

Boas - A Faithful Republican (12/01)

As a faithful Republican, Phil Boas feels bound to support the cause by whatever means. This translates into telling his Republican readership what a thoroughly bad lot the Democrats are and how inadequate Biden is. Apart from infiltrating our universities with their left wing socialist propaganda and endangering academic freedoms, Democrats are attacking America by daring to compare Trump with that historical figure, Hitler. This, according to Boas, illustrates their extremism and general hysterical political rantings. Trump may use the language of a fascist (vermin etc.) but how dare Democrats call Republicans fascist. They just want everybody to vote for Republicans so that we can have a Republican government. If this requires messing with the voting system, it's in a good cause. Who cares if they lie a bit? Does it matter that the economy is doing well and Biden's foreign policy is keeping the peace? After all only a few hundred misguided Trump supporters tried to organize a coup, destroy Congress and hang Mike Pence. It's Democrats who are leftist leaning hysterical extremists who want to destroy the state. This should be enough to persuade everyone to vote Republican. No?